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    Από την ιστοσελίδα snippits-and-slappits

    Σας εύχομαι ένα καλό Σαββατοκύριακο


    From the editor of snippits-and-slappits

    I do apologize; I overdid it again; overloaded too much for you, Dear readers. Too much here for me to tell you about. You will just have to keep scrolling and laughing (out of one side of your mouth or the other) till the bitter end! Someone teach me how to edit them more please! It just seems that each topic is covered by many excellent and different viewpoints.

    Meanwhile, the fast continues. I broke and had a lovely little sandwich the other day and paid with a very uncomfortable tummy so it is still going. Doctor is happy with how things are going and so am I but in this heat, I am not traveling too far.

    Enough of me. Please enjoy. Share. Send your friends. Never hesitate to say hello!




    How very Talmudic. And Wahhabist.



    This abomination claimed she tried to go blonde, it fried her hair, she had to chop it off. But she has gotten ugly due to her politics and Marxist dreams. Whatever Hillary has, it is contagious.


    Heck, a real Barbie wants to be ravished by GI Joe!


    Or this Viking/Celtic man doll here…







    Ah, deception and ethics.
    Blame the victim if there is a problem.
    Such highly valued traits by these liberal deviants.




    Macron will ensure that they get a transgender- oriented, Russophobic inclined, pro-austerity practising, Euro-centric, anti- labor, pro-gay, anti-Christian, pro-Israel, rainbow loving government that they can be proud of. The description of this was „The Rothschild Dynasty Now Officially Rules France .“ ~ Vinyard of the Saker


    The French are concerned by the extreme youth of his cabinet.



    Adolf in da Haus. Artist Comment: Did Adolf Hitler survive the war and escape to Argentina? Police have recovered 75 Nazi artifacts from a house in Buenos Aires, including items believed to have been used by Hitler himself.  Check it out:



    Maybe I was wrong about the scariest stuff of the day. Because this is really happening.







    Pun break:




    Source: http://snippits-and-slappits.blogspot.de/

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