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    Letter to Congressman Lynch

    Theodore G. Karakostas

    Turkey is in fact an enemy of the Western alliance and a defacto ally of ISIS which represents the gravest threat to civilization at this time. In my opinion, this administration has made a horrendous mistake in trying to dislodge the government of President Asaad in Syria. The threat posed from ISIS which manifested itself in the atrocities in Paris is one that is far greater than any alleged threat emanating from the Syrian government


    Dear Congressman Lynch,

    As a Greek Orthodox writer I would like to express my dismay at the manner in which our foreign policy has been conducted with regard to Syria. I am first and foremost alarmed by the downing of a Russian plane by the Turkish government. In my opinion, the Turkish government is the aggressor. It would be an enormous mistake for the United States and NATO to support Turkey whose policies have been favorable to ISIS during this entire crisis.

    The Turkish government has an appalling history of Genocide, ethnic cleansing, and mass murder of the Armenian, Assyrian, and Greek Orthodox populations in Anatolia. For too long, the Western Alliance has tolerated Turkey’s aggressions and crimes against humanity. In 1974, the Turkish Republic invaded Cyprus and seized thirty seven percent of territory belonging to the internationally recognized Republic of Cyprus. Ethnic Greeks were ethnically cleansed and Cyprusremains occupied up to the present day because NATO and the Western alliance abandoned all humanitarian principles in order to curry favor with Ankara.

    Turkey’s recent bombing of the Kurds who have been bravely fighting ISIS is indicative of Ankara’s unreliability as an ally. Turkey is in fact an enemy of the Western alliance and a defacto ally of ISIS which represents the gravest threat to civilization at this time. In my opinion, this administration has made a horrendous mistake in trying to dislodge the government of President Asaad in Syria. The threat posed from ISIS which manifested itself in the atrocities in Paris is one that
    is far greater than any alleged threat emanating from the Syrian government.

    This is why the Russian intervention in Syria has been correct. Historically, the Russians have been the protectors of Eastern Christians against the former Ottoman Empire. One of the main reasons for the Russian intervention in Syria has been to stop the Genocide of the Christian populations. America needs to
    reevaluate its priorities in the Middle East. ISIS is the greatest threat in the Middle East and it is on that threat alone that all attention should be focused.

    The United States needs to reassess its relationship with Turkey. From a moral standpoint Turkey’s ongoing occupation of Cyprus and continued persecution of Christian and other minorities alone should result in a termination of all military assistance. Turkey has long been an aggressor against Greece by repeatedly violating Greek Airspace and territorial Waters in the Aegean Sea. Its persecution of ethnic Greeks in Turkey and its murderous policies toward Greek Cypriots are proof positive that Turkey is not a democratic country.

    In 1955, the Turkish regime instigated a deadly pogrom against the Greek and Armenian Christian populations. NATO and the United States flat out refused to condemn Turkish actions. It is long past time that the West got over its delusions about Turkey and saw the ugly realities. Too many victims have been sacrificed to the Turks in the name of Western Security and Strategic Interests for the West not to take notice now. NATO is for all intents and purposes a relic of the Cold War but if it takes any position on events between Turkey and Russia it should unequivocally condemn Turkey for its actions.

    Western interests lie in following the Russian lead in Syria. Unlike Turkey or Saudi Arabia, the Russians have demonstrated a firm determination to liberate  Iraq and Syria from the occupation by ISIS. Stabilization in Syria can only be achieved by helping the existing government ( good or bad) secure its territory and put an end to all hostilities making it possible for the flow of refugees to cease and to return to their homes.

    This is another area where Turkey deserves condemnation. Greece already undergoing a severe economic crisis is taking in large numbers of refugees many of which are being sent there by Turkey as a means to destabilize Greece. Greece as usual however has received no thanks or assistance from its Western partners.

    I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving,

    Theodore G. Karakostas

    SOURCE International Hellenic Association

    Capt. Evangelos Rigos

    IHA – www.professors-PhDs.com

    HEC Director www.greece.org

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